Talking with your family
If you're considering making that transition into retirement living, it can be helpful to involve your family in this decision too, as significant changes can make for big (and tricky) conversations
Here are 5 tips for how to handle these conversations.
1. Start the conversation sooner rather than later
With such a significant change, no one wants to be taken by surprise. Give your family a chance to warm up to the idea of you moving over several conversations. This will help them come to terms with the idea of you shifting into the next stage of your life.
2. Listen to your family's concerns
The thought of you leaving the family home can be upsetting, particularly for any children or other close relatives.
Hear out their concerns and answer their questions. It can be a good idea to involve them in your decision and explore your options together over a series of conversations.
3. Be clear about your reasons for considering retirement living
Your family wants what's best for you, but might find it difficult to see things from your perspective.
Help them understand the reasons why you think retirement living might work for you. Maybe maintaining the home has become burdensome, and you don’t want them feeling they have to do this for you. Or, you might need more support with everyday tasks, or feel you'd benefit from a more active social life in a village.
The sooner your family understands where you're coming from, the easier it'll be for them to support you in your decision.
4. Ask for your family's help
Give your family the chance to help out. Researching options, navigating finances, transport, potential locations, and selling or renting your existing home can be stressful and will take time. With everyone's support, your family can start to feel more confident in your decision.
5. Make a plan for the next steps
Be specific in your planning and work together to make the process easy for everyone. Make a list of all that needs to be done, from figuring out the finances to touring potential villages together. Creating a clear plan can prevent misunderstandings further down the line.
Whether you're planning to retire, still considering your options, or have made a firm decision, this is a significant change that will impact your family too.